
The craps of "(disapproving) a rude, noisy or violent person" (Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

Last Post of The Year

Tempus fugit, here we are at the closing moments of the year of 2007, verging on 2008. As a usual procrastinator, here only I am to draw a conclusion of the year. There should be no more excuse of inconvenience not to blog, yet this is only my first and also last post of the year after I got my laptop. Eliminating, or at least reducing procrastination really should be on my top priorities of the coming year.

In a nutshell the year of 2007 is an assortment of success and disappointment. I dare not to check my resolution set on the very first day of this year because I’ve failed to fulfill most of them. Amongst my uppermost goals next year are to be more healthy and successful in my studies. May the New Year be a better one, we always hope so right? Tomorrow is another better day.

Till then. Gotta go for my last lectures of the year, but the first lectures of Foundation 2. Jiayou Yiau Hoong.

A Levels Result Released

A Levels result was just released just now at 1pm Malaysian time. Thanks gods I'm lucky enough to get 3A's, although my result is nothing among my programme mates, where many of them also got 15 (3A's).

Time flies, my 2 months break has almost reached its end. Tomorrow I'm going to Vista Condominium opposite IMU (International Medical University), my next university. Hope I'll do well in IMU, if not better.


Yay finally after 41 days of boredom, hardship and angst, my last paper of 22 papers of A Levels exam is over today. Was planning to go back for good today, but the stupid and typical red tape and mismanagement as we can see and experience in most, if not all government departments and institutions have required us to stay till tomorrow to complete our clearance. Too bad I can't follow my papa to KLIA tomorrow to fetch my sister. Pity him too.

Most friends are now in Sunway for a informal dinner, something like gathering, but it's ok, in another way it enables me to save my money for the tickets of some sport events during this coming holidays. Hope I can really make it to the two events, but have to see how first la.

And to my ALM friends, if any of you really happen to read blog (which would be really an odd occasion), I've become the first to sell my books. Jealous leh? Haha at least I've saved one trouble already. And by looking at some envious faces of my friends, it makes me feel bit proud hehehe, although it's actually nothing great. To the Manipal super junior, You Bin (sorry I don't really know your name), all the best for your coming life in INTEC.

Tempus fugit. 2 years have passed so fast, it's my very last CC session at my very final night here, shall I bid farewell to INTEC! And it's time to pen off now, as blogging in CC is not cheap. Bye INTEC and my friends.

14 papers down, 8 to go!!

Feel so sorry for my long untouched blog, but I just couldn't find the time and place to update my blog. Just hope I'll do okay, if can't really do wel in the coming papers. Shall we meet after 25th June! Remember our rendezvous. Till then bye bye.

A Levels 3 days to go!!!

Here I am to "update" my blog. I didn't update my blog for more than a month because here I don't have the full convenience to blog, and I seldom go back home( just some excuses to cover my laziness hehehe).

Hopefully after A-Levels, I'll do more postings. Adios. Good luck to all my friends who're taking their exam, and of course, to myself.

Another Short Break

I'm going qing ming (cleaning the ancestors' grave) this friday, and since there is no class tomorrow, so I'll be enjoying a four-day break hahaha.

Have calculated my unofficial trial result, and yahoo I get 15 (3 straight As). Although they are sure many out there who've got 15, I guess, it still gladdens me since it's my first, but hopefully not last 15 in INTEC. There is still long long way to go, so yiau hoong, must not stop now, go for your target in the real A Levels. Jiayou2!!!

Periuk Kera (Can someone tell me its English name?)

After 5 days lazing at home, onlining and playing FIFA 07 all the time, here only I am to write the first post of the month, when it's already right middle of the month.

Trial was okay, although I'm bit disappointed with my performance. Nothing else I can say, just wait for the result to be released la. Mid-sem break so far is quite meaningless, as aforementioned, so today I'm just here to talk about the special plants before the door of my house.

Has anyone seen periuk kera before? I think I did, but I've never seen it so near from my sight. I don't know how to describe here, just let the pictures say the words.

And just like what the books say, there are really some ants stuck in the "pig cages" (its Chinese name), just too bad my lousy camera phone not good enough to capture some pictures of them. So if anyone knows the English name for this "periuk kera", please tell me ya!

Farewell Korean Juniors

Bye to the Korean juniors who're flying tonight!

And 10 papers done!!! I'm halfway through trials. But the 100 x harder papers are just coming. Hope I can get through it safely.


Finally I'm back to INTEC after 1 week of Chinese New Year break. The two following weeks I'll be having my TRIAL, oh TRIAL, time really flies, so I'll hardly get online during the period. See you guys after that.

Happy Valentine's

Yesterday was Valentine's day. I thought it'd be going to be a lonely and dull Valentine's (first time i felt so, was never aware of Valentine's day until last year) until Suelynn the cute and talkative (like me hehe) Korean junior asked me out for, haha not really a date la, but farewell meeting, just right before the day ended.

We chatted a lot (more than 2000 words to be omitted here), from 11.45 to 1.45am, in Cemara (supposedly guys' residential college, luckily not get caught by guard, if not I think another summon for us, although we did nothing than chatting la). I don't really know what to say to you, Suelynn. Sorry when it comes to writing I'm rather speechless. But still thanks a lot for making my Valentine's day, and also adding sparks to my life in INTEC. Hope you'll have a safe journey, and an enjoyable stint in Korea. All the best for everything in your future.

Me duck???

Someone relate me to this cute duckling (left) wo. Of course I've nothing to do with it - at least I'm cuter haha!!! (yer tak malu so perasan!!) And I'm not a gigolo ar don't misinterpret.

tak malu = never feel shame
perasan = narcissistic

What? I'm narcissistic? Haha appropriate extent of narcissism in a sense is an embodiment of confidence. And you've to love yourself before you can love someone else, right? Haha just kidding, don't worry I'm still sane and clear about my condition, I look at mirror k.

Ok that's it for my another short post. Gotta go to class. Bye. Ciao.

Farewell My Friends

February, is the month when my INTEC AUSMAT friends depart to their respective universities in Australia and New Zealand to further their studies. They've been part of my sweet memories in INTEC. Farewell to those who had flew, and going to fly, and hope our friendship will last forever.

Past Years Homework Trials!!! Argh!!!

How I regret why I never touch my past year questions for the three previous semesters, and now I've to face trial in just two weeks, minus Chinese New Year break. Argh!!! Anyway Jiayou jiayou aza aza fighting(to myself)!!!

Summary of The Month

It's been aeon since I posted my post. As I mentioned in last post, I'm back to college again. International Education Centre (INTEC), MARA Technology University. College? Centre? University? Doesn't matter, here I just call it college k. As I promised to my sister, I should update my blog at least once a week, but under certain circumstances (no computer la, no Internet supply la, no time la blah blah blah... all sorts of excuses) I've put behind my blog, and only now I sit down in front of computer today in Comp Lab during my break to type a word or two. And since I've leave my blog blank for almost a month, I shall, and can only write a summary of my life and recent developments, or perhaps retrogressions is a better word to be used here, in this very first month of the year 2007.

Time flies, in a blink of eye January 2007 has come to its last day. And what happens to my resolutions? Basically I'm still working on them, just none of them attained so far. My first month was basically STUDY STUDY STUDY yet I'm not productive and disciplined enough to work according to my plan. Die la trial exam just 27 days to go, not much time left, and Chinese New Year coming. Sigh no such thing as Happy CNY this year. And sorry Sean, I can't produce the posts I mentioned in the time being.

Heard of Blue Ocean before? The essentials of the books are to teach and remind us to create a pacific blue ocean, instead of fighting others and shedding blood in the red ocean. It's not a new concept, if you can't change the environment, then change yourself, or even create a new better environment. Changing is part of the life, and changing for good sakes are definitely necessary.

Yet I still had some great moments this month. One of them was to watch how Arsenal made a great turning back to beat Manchester United 2-1, in the last minutes. This again proves impossible is nothing, we should be determined, and never say die, and who knows so-called miracles might happen. Long live Arsenal!!! Hahaha!!!

Besides that, I also watched two movies, Night At The Museum and Death Note 2, both of them in Sunway Pyramid. Night At The Museum is funny and worth the ticket, while Death Note 2 for me is less thrilling than the previous, yet I'm still satisfied with it. Glad that I didn't watch rubbish this month.

Beatrice Xu Wei Lun, is the first Chinese artiste of my age (remind me if there is any before her) to leave 3 days ago. Her departure reminds me of how unpredictable life is. Hence we should really live our lives to the fullest, so that we have less, if not no regrets at all, even if we'll leave this beautiful world in the next second.

Here ends my brief summary of the month, and shall we meet again next month. Bye!!!

Farewell, Home Sweet Home :(

Tonight is the night I last stay at home before going back to Shah Alam to continue my last semester of A-Levels. I gotta say no no to too much of playing and procrastinations if i want to SURVIVE there, or anywhere else later in my life. There should be less talking and vows, only action conquers all.

Farewell, my sweet home. Goodbye, my beloved parents. May the new semester become one of the decisive turning points in my life, marking a transformation into the better me. Let's hope for the best.

George's Birthday

Today is 6th January 2007, also my secondary school best friend, George's 20th birthday. Hahaha George you're no longer a teenager, unlike me, still enjoying my last teenage year (I doubt whether I'll have a joyous final teenage year though) :p!!! So we decided to give him a surprise, although afterwards he said it's not surprising at all, because he's too acquainted with us and knows our "lame" (no he didn't say lame I add this word myself) tricks thoroughly. Anyway we still hope, George, you enjoyed the party just now. And, according to him, he gave us his precious "first time", don't misunderstand, I mean first time celebrating birthday with friends. Hereby I wish Suraya happy birthday in advance too, whose birthday is coming on 12th January. And thanks for the belated present Suraya!

Here go some pictures we had taken just now in Yogi's.

Birthday cake!!!
Kissing cake? Nope, he's pulling candle off the cake.
Birthday boy and girl!!!
Of course we must let Chui Lee who's taking hospitality course to do her work.
Birthday boy and I!!!
Sweet memories all!!!


On account of Sean's jokingly scolding for plagiarizing his blog title, hereby I declare that

Responses on my blog

Luckily the comments I got for my blog were still okay. I don't know whether they're being kind enough, but I know I gotta sleep now, and continue with my plans tomorrow. Good night.

Opening of My Blog

Finally my blog, on this gloomy but propitious day, is officially open to public.

Visitors and comments are welcomed!!!

Happy New Year

It's the first day of 2007 and here I wish everyone happy new year!!! Failure after failure in 2006 will not dampen my spirit to strive towards my targets I set for this year. Here goes some of my wishes, targets and resolutions.
  1. 3As (15 points) in Edexcel A-Levels June 2007 and then get into IMU in August (primary target).
  2. Become more determined and disciplined.
  3. Even happier than ever.
  4. Healthier.
  5. Exercise (not work out)!!!
  6. Read more books.
  7. Wake up in time (always a problem)!!!
  8. Write a poem (one is already considered major success)
  9. Better appearance.
  10. Work more talk less.
In a nutshell, I hope I can be a better person. Hope under supervision of all I'll be able to achieve some, if not all the things I mentioned.